
Friday 21 December 2012

Thanks for sticking around everyone sorry for the delay in posts.

I have been pretty busy what with Christmas and my pickpocketing business in full swing.
I finally finished my degree (yaayy me).Wait..for non slang speakers, 'Yaay' is a cheer,it is not sexual.Just so you know.
I got a 1.2, which is one off what i wanted, i wanted a 1st. But ugh i had a lot of personal issues in my second and third year...actually my first one too. These included, getting involved with a   woman (soap opera story time...), getting dumped by her, getting involved with someone else,travelling round the world to see her... getting dumped by her, getting sick, GETTING AWARDED A THOUSAND POUNDS (GOOD NEWS!!!). Which i then spent on my degree show...which sucked because i was ill. 
Moving in with awesome friendly people who are still on my fb (well one is), then moving in with assholes in my third year.
With the worst landlord in history, of which i will rant about later.
Now i have to prepare for my teaching course, or masters not sure. More like teaching, since its paid and who can afford a higher education these days?

In England teachers get shat on, so my robust sense of humour might come in handy.

But for now that's it.
OOh hang on i made a YT, so this is it should anyone want to add me or check it out.

Its full of nudity and sexual swear words..nah its just my arty farty stuff.
My blogs getting spammed a lot also so...i might take down that link if it gets spammed too. Never have i seen so many people asking me if i have impotence. WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE KNOW I DONT?

Thanks again. Ill visit all your blogs, and my new subscribers too. THANKS.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Izdiher, might be a slow period between posts though.Hope your looking forward to the new year and good things happening for you.


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